Dalhousie Community Centre
775 Somerset Street West (Google Map here)
Date: Wednesday September 23, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
**L'événement se tiendra en anglais, mais contactez-nous si vous êtes francophones et aimeriez participer plus activement en français, nous organiseront une introduction séparée -- noiiottawa@gmail.com**
Interested in joining No One Is Illegal (NOII) Ottawa?
Come to a NOII Orientation!
No One Is Illegal is a grassroots group of migrants and allies that advocates and fights for the dignity and self determination of immigrants and refugees, as well as those living without status. We welcome people who are interested in organizing around migrant justice issues, such as refugee rights, family reunification, temporary workers, status for all, sanctuary city, indigenous solidarity, and against detentions, deportations, immigration raids, and border controls.
Orientation will include introduction to No One Is Illegal, an overview of the immigration system, and upcoming actions and events.
For more information about NOII principles/policies and about being a member, please read this: